Mobile app development

How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App in 2024?

Ever noticed how there’s an app for almost everything? To be precise, there are over four million apps available across iOS and Android platforms, extending to a wide range of sub-genres and niches.

  • By Isabella Harris

  • Verified Expert In DevelopmentBitswits

  • Bitswits

    3 Years Of Experience

Isabella Harris is a skilled Content Writer at Bitswits, renowned for her storytelling abilities and deep tech knowledge. She creates engaging and accessible content that effectively communicates

  • Bitswits

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According to the recent report of Statista, global app downloads significantly increased in 2023, reaching 257 billion downloads. The industry is only getting bigger and analysts estimate that by the year 2030, it will be worth more than half a trillion dollars!

Given the surge in popularity, it is no surprise that businesses are eager to invest in mobile app development. This leads to the golden question every entrepreneur asks: How much will it cost to develop an app?

Well, on average, developing a mobile app can range from $30,000 to $300,000, depending on the app’s complexity, features, and platform. From simple to complex, app development prices vary. 

We know you’ll say $30,000 to $300,000 is a pretty broad range, but that’s the reality. You cannot estimate the final price of your project unless you do your homework on the factors that determine the app development cost.

Once you know what kind of app you’re building, how complex will it be to build, what features are to be integrated, and what platforms are being targeted, only then an entrepreneur or a business can be given an estimate value of the cost.

How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App Based On Its Complexity?

The app development cost for a basic app with simple user interface and minimal features can range anywhere from $5,000 to $50,000. 

But if you’re developing an app that has medium-complexity features and functionalities, then the cost can be around $50,000 and $150,000. 

Lastly, the development cost for a complex app ranges from $100,000 to $300,000 or more.

Comparison Table for Development Cost According To App Complexity

App Complexity

Features and Design

Development Timeline

Estimated Cost

Basic App

Minimal features, Standard UI

2-3 months

$5,000 – $50,000

Moderately Complex App

Advanced features, Custom UI

3-9 months

$50,000 – $150,000

Highly Complex App

Advanced features, Custom UI, Multi-platform

10+ months

$100,000 – $300,000

How Does The Cost Vary According To Different Platforms?

Starting from the initial spark of an idea to the final stages of launch and maintenance, the cost to develop an app is varied and complicated with many associated budget factors. 

The level of complexity of an app, the choice of platforms, the features, the development team, and other features all affect the budget. 

Native App Platforms (iOS & Android)

  • Built for one platform (iOS or Android) using platform-specific languages.
  • Expensive due to maintaining two code bases.
  • $50,000 to $100,000+
  • Specific languages like Swift and Objective-C for iOS; and Java and Kotlin for Android.
  • Highest performance and user experience, optimized for specific platforms.

Cross-Platform App Platforms

  • Single codebase runs on both iOS and Android.
  • Cost-efficient with less development effort.
  • $25,000 to $60,000+ is the average cost.
  • Some cross-platform frameworks that are popular include Flutter and React Native.

Web App Platforms

  • Browser-based apps include Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and other web-based apps.
  • Cost-efficient and easier to maintain than native apps.
  • Average cost ranges from $15,000 to $50,000+

Hybrid App Platform

  • Combine native and web app features, running inside a web view.
  • Cost varies widely depending on complexity and features.
  • Average cost ranges from $20,000 to $60,000+

If you want to know more about frameworks, then check out our guide on popular app development frameworks to help you make an informed decision about the best platform for your app.

Mobile App Development Cost Breakdown by Platform

App Type

Average Cost

Native Apps (iOS & Android)

$50,000 to $100,000 

Cross-Platform Apps

$25,000 to $60,000

Web Apps

$15,000 to $50,000

Hybrid Apps

$20,000 to $60,000+,

What is the Average App Development Cost Across Different App Categories?

It ranges from $10,000 to $500,000 on average to develop a decent mobile app. 

Let’s explore different app categories and their estimated cost.

E-commerce/M-commerce Apps

E-commerce apps like Amazon and Wayfair are popular because of their large user base, real-time performance, and robust security measures. The development cost for such kind of e-commerce app can range from $50,000 to $150,000+.

Social Networking Apps

Social networking apps require complex integrations and customer support for millions of users. The development cost for such apps can range from $50,000 to $300,000+. Some examples of popular social media apps include Facebook and Instagram.

On-Demand Service Apps

On-demand service apps, such as Uber, allow real-time service requests with the assurance of safe online payment systems. Depending on the level of difficulty, the average cost for the development of an on-demand service app lies between $50,000 and $150,000+.

Hardware-Dependent Apps (IoT-Based)

IoT-based apps rely heavily on hardware for data extraction and command execution, with development costs ranging from $60,000 to $150,000+.

AR Apps

AR apps like Pokémon GO and IKEA Place have transformed gaming and retail by blending the digital and physical worlds. Facial recognition apps often integrate AR technology to personalize user experiences, such as Snapchat’s dynamic filters that adjust to users’ facial features. Developing such apps can be costly, with budgets ranging from $50,000 to $200,000 or more, depending on complexity.

Learning Apps

Educational applications, like Coursera and Duolingo, provide interactive learning processes with the help of multimedia and gamification. The cost for developing learning apps can range from $60,000 to $225,000+.

Dating Apps

Dating apps such as Tinder require robust authentication, privacy controls, and real-time chat. Development costs range from $50,000 to $350,000+.

Gaming Apps

Gaming apps, from simple puzzles to complex 3D multiplayer experiences, require extensive development. Costs range from $60,000 to $250,000+.

Comparison Table For Average App Development Cost Across Different App Categories

Here’s a detailed table showcasing different types of apps, popular examples, their estimated development costs, and timeframes:

App Type


Cost Estimate

Development Time

E-commerce/M-commerce Apps

Amazon, eBay, Wayfair

$50,000 – $150,000+

~1,200 hours

Social Networking Apps

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

$50,000 – $300,000+

~1,200 hours

On-Demand Service Apps

Uber, DoorDash, Postmates

$50,000 – $150,000+

Varies by complexity

Hardware-Dependent Apps

Fitbit, Nest, SmartThings

$60,000 – $150,000+

Higher due to hardware

AR Apps

Pokémon GO, IKEA Place

$50,000 to $200,000

500-1500 hours

Learning Apps

Duolingo, Coursera, Khan Academy

$60,000 – $225,000+

~900 hours

Dating Apps

Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid

$50,000 – $350,000+

~1,400 hours

Gaming Apps

Candy Crush, Fortnite, PUBG

$60,000 – $250,000+

<1,800 hours

Prices for the development of one application on either iOS or Android, include server integration but exclude the development of the server itself. Knowing how to use these estimates will help you be best prepared for and manage your budget regarding app development.

App Development Costs According to Different Team Structures.

It’s important to know that app development costs can vary a lot depending on the team you choose. Each team comes with a different price tag. 

Here is a quick breakdown of the following teams and their development cost across different app types.

  • Fully US-based development agency 
  • US-based agency with a distributed team 
  • Offshore development team

Costs with a Fully US-Based App Development Agency

  • Simple offline app: ~$50,000
  • App with moderate online features: ~$80,000
  • Chatbot app: ~$90,000
  • IoT or wearable app: ~$1,350,000
  • Messaging app: ~$300,000
  • On-demand service app: ~$800,000
  • M-commerce app: ~$600,000
  • Social networking app: ~$350,000
  • AR/VR app: ~$400,000
  • Enterprise app: ~$500,000

Costs Involved with a US-Based Agency Using A Distributed Team

  • Simple offline app: $12,000 – $25,000
  • App with moderate online features: $5,000 – $45,000
  • Chatbot app: $20,000 – $50,000
  • On-demand service app: $50,000 – $100,000
  • IoT or wearable app: $20,000 – $60,000
  • Messaging app: $30,000 – $70,000
  • M-commerce app: $30,000 – $80,000
  • Social networking app: $30,000 – $90,000
  • AR/VR app: $40,000 – $70,000
  • Enterprise app: $50,000 – $120,000

Costs with an Offshore Development Team

  • Simple offline app: ~$5,000
  • App with moderate online features: ~$12,000
  • Chatbot app: ~$19,000
  • IoT or wearable app: ~$28,000
  • Messaging app: ~$35,000
  • On-demand service app: ~$50,000
  • M-commerce app: ~$40,000
  • Social networking app: ~$50,000
  • AR/VR app: ~$45,000
  • Enterprise app: ~$60,000

The above costs are rough estimates and the final cost may differ depending on the specifications of the project and the location of the team.

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Cost of Making Apps Based on Features and Functionality

The more features you put into an app, the more development hours are required.  This way each additional feature increases the base cost of mobile app development. 

Below are the estimated development times and costs for basic and advanced app features.

 Cost Comparison for Basic Features And Functionalities



Average Cost

Approximate Time

User Login

Social media login, email login, forgot password, logout

$500 – $1,000

30-42 hours

Profile Setup

Add basic info, upload photo, set location

$900 – $1,000

30-40 hours

In-App Messaging

Online/offline status, typing indicator, send media files, read status

$3,000 – $5,000

170-180 hours

Push Notifications

Alerts and reminders for users

$1,000 – $1,200

25-32 hours

Basic Admin Panel

User management: view, create, edit, delete/block users

$3,500 – $4,000

66-90 hours

Social Media Integration

Share content, link accounts

$3,000 – $7,000

60-78 hours

GPS/Location Services

User location detection, mapping

$4,000 – $10,000

100-120 hours

Photo/Video Upload and Sharing

Media upload, viewing, sharing

$4,000 – $10,000

60-80 hours

Want to add more functionality and complexity to your app? Then let’s talk about some advanced features

Cost Comparison For Advance Features



Average Cost

Approximate Time


Transaction history, balance check, add payment methods

$3,000 – $8,000

60-78 hours

Maps Integration

User location detection, set pickup/destination points

$3,000 – $4,000

100-120 hours


Audio and video calls, contact list

$14,000 – $15,000

300-400 hours

Search Functionality

Search for content, users, etc.

$2,500 – $6,000

40-60 hours

User Ratings and Reviews

Allow users to rate and review

$2,500 – $6,000

40-60 hours

Analytics and Reporting

Track user behavior, generate reports

$3,000 – $7,000

50-70 hours

Offline Mode

Access app features without internet

$2,000 – $5,000

40-60 hours

Advanced Admin Panel

Comprehensive user management and analytics

$5,000 – $15,000+

80-120 hours

Cross-Platform Development

Develop for multiple platforms

$10,000 – $25,000+

200-300 hours

AR/VR Integration

Augmented/virtual reality features

$10,000 – $30,000+

300-500 hours

Remember that the above-mentioned costs to develop an app are just rough estimates. More complex features generally cost more due to the increased time and resources required.

Therefore, it is advisable to focus on core features in the initial version to manage costs and provide a great user experience. Developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) helps save time and money while gathering valuable user feedback.

Which Phase of App Development Costs the Most?

Here’s an overview of cost calculation for an abstract mobile app, considering the phases in the app development lifecycle:

Development Phase


Estimated Cost

Discovery Phase (20%)

Research market viability, technical requirements, and budgeting.

$1,200 to $11,000

UI/UX Design Phase (20%)

Create wireframes, interactive prototypes, and mockups.

$2,500 to $10,000

Coding Phase (50%)

Develop backend and frontend functionalities.

$2,000 to $60,000

App Launch (10%)

Submit the app to stores, and optimize for app store visibility.

$1,000 to $10,000

Maintenance and Updates

Update the app for new OS versions and add new features (15-20% of total development cost annually).

15-20% of development cost

You can do effective planning and budgeting if you understand the cost structure of mobile app development. 

Which step do you think is the most expensive in app development? Well, let’s get to know with a stage-by-stage cost analysis. 

1. Discovery Phase (20% of Total App Development Cost)

The discovery phase involves researching the viability of the idea, technical requirements, business needs, and the talent required. This phase sets the groundwork for other development activities and includes multiple components:

Market Analysis

Business Analysts with a team of developers assess the strengths and weaknesses of prospective competitors tailored to your business model.


Mainly the team in this phase identifies the total app making charges with input from tech leads, UI/UX designers, business analysts, project managers, and idea owners.

Cost Range around $1,200 to $11,000

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2. UI/UX Design Phase (20% of Total Mobile App Development Cost)

The UI/UX design phase entails the foundation of your app’s visual and functional experience. This phase includes the creation of wireframes which is essential for visualizing the app’s structure and flow before moving on to more detailed design elements. The duration of the design phase depends on the factors, such as complexity, number of screens, and UX mapping of the app. Regular feedback from the team and founders is essential to refine the design.

Estimate cost is around $2,500 to $10,000


  • Wireframe
  • Interactive Prototype
  • Mockups

3. Coding Phase (50% of Total Mobile App Development Cost)

This core development phase is where backend and frontend developers write the code for every feature, functionality, button, and icon in the application. It is the most intensive and costly phase.

Backend Development

Involves creating server-side features using tech stacks like Java, Node.JS, Laravel, GoLang, Python, Next.JS, etc. These features are crucial for the core function of the app but are not visible to users.

Cost involvement accounts for 30-40% of the overall app development cost.

Frontend Development

Entails the creation of user-side features and functionalities with tech stacks like Swift, React Native, etc. These features determine the aesthetics and usability of the app.

Cost ranges from $2,000 to $60,000

4. App Launch (10% of Total App Development Cost)

Launching the app is as important as its creation. This phase involves deploying the app on mobile app stores like Apple Store and Google PlayStore, requiring a solid App Store Optimization (ASO) strategy.

Costs range from $1,000 to $10,000

It involves paying requisite fees on app stores and testing various animations, videos, descriptions, and images to optimize app performance and user engagement.

Estimate Your Project Cost Precisely

For an accurate estimation of app development costs, consider preparing a detailed cost breakdown by listing tasks, developers, and resources needed, choosing an estimation method, and tracking budgets.

If you’re having trouble with budget estimations, try using our app cost calculator.

How Does The Location of the Development Team Influence the Cost?

Location is another crucial factor that influences app development pricing. 

Simply put, if a development team is in a place where living costs or wages are high, their labor costs will be higher. 

Plus, different locations have varying access to resources and tech support, which can impact how well software development projects go.

Average Hourly Rates for Mobile App Development Across the US

The typical average hourly rate for app development in the US is around $87 per hour, as per the recent data reported by ZipRecruiter.

recent data reported by ZipRecruiter - Average Hourly Rates for Mobile App Development
Source: ZipRecruiter

Cost Estimates Based On Different Geographical Location

The total cost of mobile app development largely depends on your choice of developers. You have several options: 

  • Outsource a proficient app development agency
  • In-house development company
  • Freelance developer.

An experienced mobile app development company can be particularly effective in crafting high-end applications with top-notch features and functionalities.

Here’s a table showing the average cost of app development based on different regions and types of developers:


App Development Cost (Agency)

App Development Cost (Freelancer)

United States















Freelancer developers offer low-cost solutions and are suited for smaller projects. However, they may struggle with larger, complex tasks due to limited resources and juggling multiple clients. 

They often lack comprehensive services, dedicated QA teams, and professional project management, leading to potential delays and inconsistent quality. 

Agencies like BitsWits, however, provide skilled teams, streamlined processes, and end-to-end solutions, ensuring faster, more reliable, and higher-quality project completion.

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Development Costs Of Some Leading Global Apps

Focusing on the best app ideas can lead to the creation of a successful app that customers will love. Here are a few examples of popular applications that have revolutionized the customer experience and are now leading in the market. 


Spotify streams music and provides access to millions of songs, podcasts, and videos from all over the world. It includes personalized playlists as well as social sharing, and offline listening. For one platform, apps like Spotify would cost you between $100000-150000 while it can reach up to $300000 for both iOS and Android.


Instagram is also a trending social media app that allows users to share pictures, videos, or stories; it also comes with IGTV, Direct Messaging, and shopping features among others. The cost to develop an app like Instagram ranges between $50,000-$250,000.


TikTok is very popular and allows users to create and share short videos that can be personalized using filters and effects. The cost to create an application like TikTok can vary between $50,000 and $100,000.


DoorDash is a famous on-demand service app known for delivering food and connecting clients with local restaurants. Customers use an app to place their orders which are then received by drivers who deliver them soon after picking them up. Depending on the feature set required an app like DoorDash can cost around $500000 through $150000.


WhatsApp is an instant messaging app that allows users to send messages, make voice/video phone calls, and share images and videos. To develop an application similar to WhatsApp, the average cost is between $50,000 to $500,000.


Netflix is the world’s leading media streaming platform, allowing users to stream shows and movies at their convenience. The cost of developing an app like Netflix ranges from $25,000 to $200,000.


Coursera is a popular e-learning app among students and teachers, offering a range of distance learning programs, from skill development courses to university degrees. Developing an app like Coursera can cost between $60,000 and $120,000.


Omegle was extremely famous, especially among younger users. At its peak, it attracted millions of users worldwide who enjoyed the thrill of anonymous chats with strangers. Although it is no longer available apps like Omegle such as OmeTV, Chathub are still widely popular. It offers random, real-time conversations and needs strong privacy features and good moderation.


Tinder is a highly popular dating app known for its swipe-based matchmaking feature. It requires robust user authentication, privacy controls, and real-time chat functionalities. Developing an app like Tinder costs between $50,000 and $350,000, requiring about 1,400 development hours.


CapCut is a popular video editing app that lets users create and edit videos with various effects, filters, and music. Building apps like CapCut requires advanced video processing, user-friendly design, and social media integration. The cost to develop an app like CapCut can range from $30,000 to $250,000, depending on features and complexity, with development typically taking around 1,200 to 1,800 hours.

Popular Apps

Average Cost


$100,000 – $300,000


$70,000 – $300,000


$50,000 – $150,000


$30,000 – $70,000


$60,000 – $150,000


$25,000 – $200,000


$60,000 – $120,000


$40,000 and 300,000


$50,000 – $350,000


$30,000 and $250,000

Hidden Factors Influencing App Development Cost

Hidden Factors Influencing App Development Cost

Many hidden aspects affect the cost to develop an app. Let’s dive into the essential components that influence the cost of developing a mobile app.

1. App Patenting Costs

Getting the legal paperwork in order can help safeguard your app if it becomes a hit. You should also prepare appropriate Terms and Privacy Policy documents. Services like Termly can help you create these documents for free, or you can find templates online and customize them.

2. App Marketing Budget

Marketing your app is vital to its success. Once developed, you need to submit it to the App Store or Google Play and plan your marketing strategy. This includes:

  • Getting app reviews from top publications
  • App Store Optimization (ASO)
  • Social networking promotions
  • Creating an app trailer

A minimum marketing budget should be around $10,000. Marketing efforts ensure your app stands out in a crowded marketplace.

Publishing Platform

The cost varies based on the platform on which you will publish your application. Every store has fees, rules, and regulations while publishing an app, which dictates the cost. For instance,

Apple App Store: Apple App Store requires a yearly developer fee, in addition to the strict guidelines that might require additional adjustments or features in your app, raising the overall price.

Google Play Store: Developers pay once to sign up, and the regulations are generally not that strict. If you are planning to publish your app on Google Play Store then go through our guide on how to publish an app on Google Play Store.

Other Stores: Publishing on other, less common, or niche platforms may include extra costs due to adaptation to some technical specifics or targeting audiences.

3. Cost of Updating an App

Maintaining an app involves updating it to support the latest versions of iOS and Android. This might include:

  • Implementing new features from the latest OS versions
  • Fixing bugs and improving performance

Experts recommend planning for 15-20% of the overall development cost for annual maintenance. This includes adding new functionalities like night mode or integrating features like Face ID or ARKit, which can significantly increase costs depending on their complexity.

4. Time Required to Develop an App

The time it takes to develop an app directly affects the budget. Here’s a rough estimate based on the type of app:

  • MVP (Minimum Viable Product): 2-3 weeks
  • Simple App: 1 month
  • Enterprise Apps/Consumer Apps with Advanced Features: 2-3 months
  • On-Demand Scalable Mobile Apps: 4 months and up

The more complex the app, the longer it takes to develop, increasing the overall cost. Streamlining development by focusing on essential features first can help manage time and costs effectively.

How to Cut Mobile App Development Costs

How to Cut Mobile App Development Costs.

Balancing your app development budget while creating a feature-rich application is crucial. Here are some effective strategies to optimize your budget in a simple and easy-to-understand manner:

1. Choose Cross-Platform Development 

Utilize frameworks like Flutter, Xamarin, or similar to develop your app for both iOS and Android simultaneously. This approach can save you 10-30% compared to developing separate native apps.


  • It is best for general apps that don’t require extensive custom animations.
  • Cross-platform development tools can be a cost-effective way to build your app for multiple platforms simultaneously, reducing the overall budget.

Avoid if your app relies heavily on custom animations, native development with Swift for iOS and Java/Kotlin for Android is recommended.

2. Start with an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) 

Launching an MVP allows you to test your idea with real users on a smaller budget. The initial feedback can help you plan a full-featured app version more effectively by focusing on features users actually want.


  • Real-world testing with MVP allows you to see how users interact with your app and gather feedback.
  • Helps you optimize budget planning for developing features that are most important to your users, avoiding unnecessary expenses.

Starting with an MVP means you can release a basic version of your app to the market quickly and gather valuable insights before investing in additional features.

3. Design and Development by the Same Agency 

Hiring a single agency to handle both the design and development of your app can streamline communication and project management, saving you time and potentially reducing costs.


  • With a single point of contact, it’s easier to manage the project and ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • A single agency handling both aspects can ensure a consistent vision and quality throughout the development process.

Choosing an agency such as BitsWits that provides both design and development services helps avoid the complications and extra costs that can arise from coordinating between separate teams.

4. Use Off-the-Shelf Solutions 

Utilize ready-made solutions like mobile SDKs (Software Development Kits) instead of developing custom components from scratch. This approach can significantly reduce development time and cost.


  • Avoiding code snippets from expensive sites can save you time and resources that would otherwise be spent on extensive refactoring.
  • Opting for SDKs with official support and widespread industry use ensures you have access to reliable tools and expert assistance, making the development process smoother and more efficient.

Using off-the-shelf solutions means leveraging existing tools and libraries that have been tested and optimized, allowing your team to focus on custom features that make your app unique.

5. Avoid Supporting Legacy OSes and Device Models 

Focus on supporting only the latest versions of iOS and Android and recent device models. This can save you 1.5x to 2x of your app development budget.


  • Reduces the complexity and cost of development by not having to cater to outdated systems and devices.
  • Ensures your app performs better on the latest devices and operating systems.

By focusing on the most current technology, you avoid the extra work and costs of making your app compatible with outdated systems.

Calculate Your App Cost With the App Calculator

Millions of mobile apps in the market make the industry highly competitive. Reaching your target users and meeting your ROI objectives can be challenging. Businesses often seek ways to calculate app development costs upfront. 

To address this need, BitsWits created an online calculator to calculate the cost of developing an app for your business.

The BitsWits app cost calculator guides you through the mandatory questions to help estimate the cost of app development. Whether you want to develop an app similar to popular ones like Uber, Snapchat, or Airbnb, or create a mobile app from scratch based on specific requirements, this tool is useful.

As you answer the questions, the calculator provides development cost and time estimates in hours. This tool is designed to give businesses a clearer understanding of potential costs and help them plan their app development budget more effectively.


So, how much does it cost to create an app? The answer isn’t straightforward due to the many influencing factors that can impact the cost. Every app is different. Things like how complex it is, what you want it to do, and where you build it all affect the price.

If calculating the final cost of mobile app development in regions like the US, UK, or Australia feels overwhelming, we can help. BitsWits offers top-notch mobile app development services and specializes in building and launching innovative, scalable apps with next-gen features and functionalities.

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How much will it cost to run an app? BitsWits

App owners should expect to spend around $2,000 to $2,500 per month initially to keep an app running smoothly. Generally, you should budget 20% of the initial development cost for maintenance.

How much profit can an app make? BitsWits

For example, the top 200 apps generate about $82,500 daily, while the top 800 apps make around $3,500 daily. Gaming apps can earn about $22,250 daily, and entertainment apps make around $3,090 daily. There is no set amount, as earnings depend on various factors.

How much revenue does an app with 1,000 active users make? BitsWits

Generally, with a mixed user base and using AdMob for ads, an app can make about $1 per 1,000 users (eCPM) for banner ads. For Interstitials (full-screen ads), it could be $3–5 or more per 1,000 daily active users.

How profitable are free apps? BitsWits

Free apps can make millions in revenue through in-app purchases. For example, Clash of Clans earned a million dollars a day from purchases, and Pokemon Go made 1.5 million dollars daily, reaching over a billion dollars in a year.

Is it expensive to start an app?BitsWits

Yes, starting an app can be expensive. The average cost ranges from $20,000 to $200,000, but for complex apps, it can go up to $350,000 or more. The exact cost depends on the app's features and complexity.

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Isabella Harris is a skilled Content Writer at Bitswits, renowned for her storytelling abilities and deep tech knowledge. She creates engaging and accessible content that effectively communicates