Mobile app development

How To Publish An App To Google Play Store?

Publishing your Android app on the Google Play Store gives you access to 3.6 billion devices across 190 countries.

You may think getting your app into the Google Play Store is a headache, but don’t worry. Even if you’re new to this – we’ll make it simple.

  • By Isabella Harris

  • Verified Expert In DevelopmentBitswits

  • Bitswits

    3 Years Of Experience

Isabella Harris is a skilled Content Writer at Bitswits, renowned for her storytelling abilities and deep tech knowledge. She creates engaging and accessible content that effectively communicates

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Doesn’t really matter what your tier as a developer is, this guide is for everyone that is trying to publish Android apps. We’ll explain each step in an easy way so you can publish apps on Google Play with minimal difficulty.

But before we get into the details of how to upload app to Google Play, you need these things ready:

  • Your app’s APK file
  • A Google developer account

Don’t have a developer account? That’s not a problem really. Follow the app publishing process below from start to finish and you’re gold! 

How To Upload An App On Google Play Store [9 Easy Steps]

You need to create a Play Console account first in order to upload your app on the Play Store. Follow these steps and you’ll have a very clear idea of how to publish Android apps on Google Play by the end.

Step 1: Create a Play Console Account

Step 1: Create a Play Console Account

To publish an app to Google Play, you’ll need a Play Console account. This account provides tools for tracking stats, growth, monetization, and insights like app installs, uninstalls, and device types.

  1. Go to Google Play Console to create an account.
  2. Follow the prompts to set up your account details.
  3. Pay a one-time fee of $25.
  4. Await confirmation.

Approval usually takes up to two days. You can also edit your account information later if needed.

Step 2: Link Developer Account with Google Wallet Merchant Account

Link Developer Account with Google Wallet Merchant Account
Source : geeksforgeeks

A Google Merchant account can be used to sell paid apps or in-apps purchases. The account will be linked automatically to your Developer Account, allowing you to manage app sales and payouts.

Step 3: Prepare Legal Documents

Here are the legal documents which you should prepare in advance:

EULA (End User License Agreement)

In EULA, you will define what users can and cannot do with your app.

Privacy Policy

Privacy policy includes details on data collection, processing, and usage.

Terms of Use

Explain the services you offer and how users are expected to behave. Not mandatory but recommended.

Step 4: Study Google Developer Policies To Avoid Any Rejection

Before you publish app on Google Play, ensure your app complies with Google Developer Policies to avoid rejection or removal. Key areas include:

  • Restricted content
  • App Store listing and promotion
  • Impersonation and intellectual property
  • Monetization and ads
  • Privacy, security, and deception
  • Spam and minimum functionality

Step 5: Technical Requirements Checklist

Before uploading your app, check the following:

Unique Bundle ID

The Unique Bundle ID is a code that is set in your app’s manifest file. Once you set it and publish app on Google Play, it cannot be changed.

Signed App Release

Your app must be digitally signed with a developer’s certificate.

App Size

Follow Google’s file size limits. Use APK Expansion Files if necessary.

File Format

Use app bundle (.aab) or APK (.apk). Enroll in app signing by Google Play.

Step 5: Create An App

Create An App - Bitswits
Source : geeksforgeeks

Log in to your developer account. On the Console home page, under “All apps,” click the blue  “Create App” button in the top right corner. Choose the default language and add a brief app description.

Fill in your app’s basic information such as:

  • App name
  • Play Store release name
  • Default language
  • If your app needs to be distributed in a specific country, select the language (e.g., US English)
  • Select if it’s an app or a game
  • Pricing and distribution: If the app is sold for a fee, select “Paid.” Note that if you select “Free,” you cannot change it to “Paid” afterward.
  • Check the Developer Program Policy and US export laws
  • Click the “Create App” button

Check the boxes in the Declarations section and click the “Create App” button at the bottom.

Step 6: Set Up Your App

Set Up Your App
Source : geeksforgeeks

On the dashboard, you will see a step-by-step menu listed in order:

Set Privacy Policy

Add a privacy policy to provide transparency on how you treat the sensitive device data of the user. Plus, it is mandatory if you have a target audience including children under the age of 13.

App Access

To review your app, Google must be able to access all parts of it. If access to parts of your app is restricted (e.g., login credentials are required), provide instructions on how Google can gain access.

Content Rating

Complete a rating questionnaire to avoid being marked as an Unrated App, which could lead to removal.

Locate the content rating section in the left-side menu of your Google Developer Console. Fill out the questionnaire with precise information about your app’s content. Questions may include the type of content, whether it contains violence, explicit material, or other sensitive topics.


  • Misrepresenting your app’s content can lead to suspension or removal.
  • If you update your app with new content, re-evaluate and update your content rating accordingly.
  • Familiarize yourself with Google’s content rating guidelines to avoid common pitfalls.

Save your responses and click on “Calculate Rating” to get a suggested content rating. Once you review the calculated rating, click “Apply Rating” to confirm it.

Check for Advertisement

Indicate if your app contains advertisements. Select “Yes” if there are ads and “No” if there aren’t. Then save.

Target Audience and Content

Indicate the target age of your app. Generally, you can select “18 or older.” If your app is for users age 13 or younger, you will need to submit additional family policy documentation. Select “Next” and indicate whether your app contains content that may attract children’s interest.

News Apps

Indicate here if your app is a news app.

Data Safety

Provide details about your app’s privacy, security, and data handling practices. If your app includes an account creation process, fill out the required details. If it doesn’t, indicate that as well.

Government Apps

Indicate if your app is developed by or on behalf of a government (e.g., a national health app or city parking app).

Financial Function

Indicate if your app provides any financial features. If it does, provide the required information. Save your settings.

Step 7: Store Listing

Prepare your store listing for App Store Optimization (ASO):

  • Product Description: Title (up to 50 characters), brief description (up to 80 characters), and full description (up to 4000 characters).
  • Screenshots: 2-8 images showcasing app functionality.
  • Icon: 512×512 pixels, 32-bit PNG.
  • Feature Graphic: Optional, 1024 x 500 pixels.
  • Promo Video: Link to a YouTube video if available.
  • Tags: Choose relevant keywords for better ASO.
  • Localization: Add translations and localized images if your app supports multiple languages.
  • Categories: Select the appropriate type and category for your app.
  • Contact Details: Provide support contact information.
  • Privacy Policy Link: Must be included

Step 8: Pricing and Distribution

Set up your app’s pricing and distribution details to reach your target audience effectively. Decide the following. 

  • Whether your app is free or paid
  • Available countries
  • Device availability
  • Sensitive content and ads

Set The Price If Your App Is Paid

If your app is paid, set a competitive price. For this, you need to research similar apps to find a suitable price point. Remember that you can change a free app to a paid one, not vice versa. Plan your pricing strategy carefully before app publishing. Use promotional pricing to attract users during special events or launches.

Countries and Regions

Choose the countries and regions where your app will be available. Consider your target audience and language support, while selecting.

Device Availability

Specify the devices your app supports.


Ensure your app works well on various devices, screen sizes, and Android versions.

Specific Devices

If your app is designed for specific devices, set these restrictions accordingly.

Sensitive Content

Clearly describe any sensitive content in the app listing. Indicate if your app has sensitive content unsuitable for children under 13. You also have to indicate if your app contains ads. Ensure ads comply with Google’s ad policies.

Step 9: Upload APK Or AAB File and Send It for Review

Finally, the last step of how to publish an app on Google Play includes uploading your app file and submitting it for Google’s review. Follow the following steps.

Go to App Releases

Navigate to the “App Releases” section in the left panel. Select a release track: Production, Beta, or Alpha.

  • Alpha Testing: Click “Start Testing now” and follow the instructions. Alpha Testing tests the least stable version within a small user group (company or development team).
  • Beta Testing: Tests a more stable version within a larger user group. The Beta version is near release.

Upload APK or AAB

Upload your APK or app bundle file. Select the “Create New Release” button.

  1. Choose your app signing key (Google-generated or custom).
  2. Upload the completed APK or AAB file. Once the upload is complete, click “Save.”

Review and Submit

Double-check all details for accuracy. Click “Start rollout to production” to send your app for review.

Congratulations! Your app is now submitted for review.

Google’s review process can take up to 2 days or longer. Once your app is reviewed and published, you’ll get a notification on the Google Console Dashboard. That’s it! Your app is now available for users to download.

What to Do After Publishing an App

What you can do next once you’ve published an app on Google Play to make sure it gets the attention it deserves? The following things will help you. 

Rock Solid App Store Optimization (ASO)

Enhance your app’s visibility and conversions with effective App Store Optimization. Use high-quality screenshots and a well-designed app icon to capture attention. Optimize your title and description with relevant keywords. Remember to localize your app in various languages to reach a broader global audience.

Create a Landing Page

Start creating a landing page for your app. This page should flash the unique features and benefits that set your app apart, giving people a reason to get excited about it. If you have any updates or new features coming out, let the visitors know through their emails. This way, you’ll keep your audience highly informed and engage with your app.

Utilize Your Personal Network

You can ask your family and friends to download and use the app. If you have a big contact list, send them the download link personally. This initial push can help your app get some early downloads, which is crucial for building momentum and getting noticed on the app store.

Paid Marketing Campaigns

Consider running some paid marketing campaigns. You can offer incentives like rewards for downloads to attract new users. Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads can help you reach a broader audience and boost your app’s visibility. Paid marketing can be especially effective in getting the word out during the early stages of your app’s launch.

Engage with Your Audience

Engage with people who use your app. Use social media to promote your app and engage with the users through feedback. Share content like blogs, videos, and user stories to build the community for your blog. Keep the users informed and engaged through regular email updates and newsletters about your app.

Cross-App Marketing

Use cross-app marketing to promote your new application. Use banners and push notifications within your existing apps to reach users who are already engaged. This strategy effectively introduces your new app to a receptive audience, increasing downloads and user retention.

Monitor and Analyze Performance

Keep an eye on how your app is performing with the help of analytics tools like Google Analytics. Track downloads, active users, session length, and retention rates. It will help you figure out what’s working and what’s not, so you can adjust your strategies to improve user acquisition and retention.

How to Get Your App or Mobile Game Featured on Google Play

Now, let’s talk about how to get it featured on the Google Play Store. It’s not about luck—it’s about strategy and effort. Here’s a simple guide to help you get your app noticed.

Make Sure Your App Runs Smoothly

First things first, your app needs to work really well. Google won’t feature apps that are buggy or slow. They want to promote apps that give users a great experience.

Check Performance

Use the Android Vitals dashboard in your Google Play Console. Look at things like crash rates and app responsiveness.

Fix Issues

Regularly update your app to fix bugs and improve performance. A smooth app is more likely to get featured.

Focus on User Experience

Keep your users happy and engaged. Design your app to be user-friendly and enjoyable.

User-Centric Design

Make sure your app is easy to use and looks great. Think about how your users will interact with it and make their experience as pleasant as possible.

Great Onboarding

First impressions matter. Create a smooth and welcoming onboarding process to help users get started with your app.

Listen to Feedback

Pay attention to user reviews and ratings. Respond to them and make improvements based on what your users are saying.

Improve Your App Ratings

Good ratings are important. Google won’t feature your app with bad ratings. Encourage users to leave a rating, especially when they’ve had a positive experience. Engage with users by replying to their reviews. Show that you care about their feedback.

Update Regularly

Keep your app updated with new features and improvements. This not only keeps users happy but also boosts your ratings.

Localize and Optimize Your App

Make your app appealing to a global audience by localizing it. Translate your app and its store listing into different languages. Tailor the content to fit cultural preferences. Use relevant keywords in your app’s title, description, and tags. This helps users find your app more easily.

Use Influencer Marketing and Media

Generate buzz around your app by getting influencers and the media involved. Partner with influencers and bloggers in your niche. They can promote your app to their followers and create valuable backlinks. Send press releases to relevant publications. Share interesting stories about your app to get journalists interested.

Integrate Google’s Latest Tool

Google loves apps that use its latest technologies. Use Google’s latest tools and features in your app. This can make your app more attractive to both users and the Google Play team. Let users try your app before downloading it and allow them to pre-register for new releases.

Keep Up with Seasons and Trends

Update your app with seasonal content to catch the eye of the Google Play team. Refresh your app’s content to reflect current seasons or holidays. This keeps your app relevant and interesting. Google Play often features apps with seasonal updates, giving you extra visibility. Apps that update for holidays like Valentine’s Day or Christmas often get featured in special sections.

Launch and Feature Your App On the Google Play Store with Ease!

Let our experts guide you step-by-step through building, publishing, and promoting your app. Contact us today to start your journey to success!

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We hope the above instructions would be helpful in guiding you through the process of publishing your app on the Google Play Store. Uploading your app is an important milestone, but it’s just the beginning. An active marketing strategy and continuous efforts are essential to attract and retain users, ensuring your app stands out amidst the competition.

Our experts at BitsWits can turn your app idea into a success story. Whether it’s building a robust and scalable app, navigating the app publishing process, or ensuring your app gets featured on the Google Play Store, we’re here to support you every step of the way.


What is the cost of publishing an app on Google Play Store?BitsWits

To publish your Android app on the Google Play Store, you'll need to create a developer account. This involves paying a one-time fee of $25. Once your account is set up, you can upload as many apps as you want without any additional charges.

How do app owners make money?BitsWits

In-app advertising is one common approach, where ads are displayed within the app, and the owner earns money each time an ad is viewed, clicked, or leads to an installation of another app. Another method is through direct app purchases, where users pay for products or services directly within the app.

How much does it cost to create an app for a small business?BitsWits

The cost of developing an app for a small business can vary widely depending on its complexity. For a basic app with simple features, the cost can range from $5,000 to $50,000. If the app has medium complexity, with more advanced features and a better user interface, the development cost typically falls between $50,000 and $120,000. For highly complex apps with advanced features and a sophisticated design, the cost can range from $100,000 to $133,000.

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